Future of work

COVID-19: The Grand WFH Experiment

COVID-19: The Grand WFH Experiment

As we all adjust to the new 'After COVID' normal, those of us lucky enough to be able to work remotely are part of a grand experiment in WFH. However, these times are not truly representative of what distributed work looks like at scale. There is a big difference between working from home under normal circumstances and working from home during a global pandemic. The way we move forward needs to be considerate and deliberate. These are my suggestions for WFH during these uncertain times.

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NRF 2020: Experience, experience, experience

NRF 2020: Experience, experience, experience

This week I attended NRF, Retail's Big Show, for the first time. The sheer size of the production is nothing short of impressive. Navigating the 840,000 square feet of the Javits Center in New York, it's hard to believe retail is struggling through a 'retail apocalypse.' The show is a beacon of retail strength, with a reported 40,000 attendees representing retailers, vendors, consultants, media, and thinkfluencers from across the retail spectrum, walking the conference in search of their place in the future of a $30 trillion industry. Three major themes emerged from the show, all centered around better experiences.

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